"Immigration to fill gaps in the labor market"

I'm pretty sure there is no "gap" in any labor market, only a desire on the part of employers to push down wages to increase their profits.

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There is a gap in the labor market. I don't know if it came first and that's why employers started hiring non-citizens or if that hiring came first. Either way, there are certain jobs that Americans just won't do anymore, no matter the pay.

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OK, but open boarders to create mass voting blocks for Democrats can’t so easily be tossed aside. And (((Mayorkas))) pulled the Holocaust card when Josh Hawley called him out for doing a shit job at the boarder. How do you tell the conspiracy theorist “nothing to see here”?

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Whites have been atomized and have no united front with which to even organize a coherent defense against the onslaught. Anyone who tries to coagulate white elements into something substantial are banished into the outer darkness. You say whites are willing participants in this race mixing soup? That is not true, whites were NEVER ASKED.

In european countries, voters in every country were completely against immigration, but politicians did it anyway. Nobody can figure out why. I think it's influence from the USA putting pressure on vassal governments, but I cannot be sure.

The reason so many people say jews are primarily responsible is because jewish media have manufactured consent in enough people for one side and denied the other side to be known such that we have the conditions you see today. White replacement is the most malicious and evil genocide in history, and will be remembered as such.

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Claimed by the safest and most comfortable people to ever live?

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No united front? Do you not have country clubs in your area?

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Tell me about country clubs

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Why is it that the vast majority of NGOs whose main focus is literally getting migrants from where ever they happen to be, all the way to the United States, ran by Jews? There are literally hundreds of them, peppered throughout south and Central America on the path leading to the USA. They hand out maps and give detailed instructions to migrants as to what they need to say to border control in order to get the benefits, as they are sent off to particular cities across the country.

All the while these Jewish ran NGOs are doing this, you of course have Jewish congressmen, lobbies, activists, and famous people from all of the most influential sectors of our society (Hollywood, academia, government, media, etc) all either suggesting and implementing mass immigration policies or openly advocating for them, either through propaganda with big platforms, or massive donations to encourage this cause.

Keep in mind, these Jews do not hide this. There are countless Jews who speak on this, going as far as saying that they are the ones pushing for these big migrant numbers. And why, you may ask? Well, a lot of them will tell you why, which is because they themselves as Jews benefitted so greatly being migrants and refugees allowed into America and European countries, so why should they as Jews, who control so much power and ability to move policy ideas through the system, shut the door behind them, denying current day migrants of what Jews were so graciously offered in the past.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of evidence showing a deliberate ploy, designed and spearheaded by the Jewish people who rule this nation, from their very own mouths. As far as I’m concerned, these few facts alone are enough for me to see it for what it is, but, if you need more evidence, simply continue down the rabbit hole and it just keeps piling on, shovelful after shovelful full, with every act, every effort, every piece of propaganda, all leading back to one of them.

Im sorry, but I have trouble believing in your every day coincidences, let alone, thousands of coincidences all pointing in the same direction.

What is happening to European white people and our respective countries is NOT an accident, it is NOT what the majority of us want I our “democracy”, making the very idea of democracy a out right scam, it is NOT good for us no matter what metric you are applying it to. It’s all negative and is accelerating the inevitable flip in demographics, which will lead to a complete disenfranchisement of our people in our own countries. This is bad enough, but the fact that the people who will be replacing us and will become the majority in our majority rules system, openly and loudly hate us. They say it every single day, with every chance the get. Oh? And who are the main people giving them these ideas to blame white people for all of their problems? Who is telling them that we are oppressing them just by virtue of our inherent privilege? Well, you should know the answer by now…. It’s Jewish elites doing it.

I’m sorry, but if you don’t see it, you’re either an idiot, so stupid you couldn’t comprehend it even if spoon fed, or, you’re complicate in the crime.

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It doesn't seem illogical that Elite Jews would see prevention of Hitler 2.0 as Job #1. I doubt there's an architect coordinating "moves." It's more a general goal, to be uplifted where possible. If a bunch of my billionaire friends wanted to promote veganism, we could do that in countless ways. Documentaries, funded research, books, lifestyle mags. Victory for us would be a rise in % of vegans over time.

For staving off white nationalism, there are a number of avenues: highlight the "shame" of nationalism via Holocaust memorials/etc, make racial integration a modern ideal, dilute racial ethnic states, promote secularism over religion, encourage birth rate reduction, encourage race mixing, open borders.

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“I’m sorry, you can’t call it a genocide if you’re a willing participant.”

If you are a willing participant, it is still at least suicide – or auto-genocide – but there is a vast chasm between the white left and the right.

In my view, anti-white sentiment has informed the left’s narrative enough to make them auto-genocidal via white guilt and shame. Any positive to be said about whites, or any group forming in alliance or advocacy of whites runs the risk of accusation of white supremacy or racism, and is almost unanimously outright suppressed by (most) social media companies, banks, corporations, and other institutions.

There is a major hypervigilance surrounding white unity, identity, or white contributions to the world, and a seemingly unified push in anti-whitism in media and entertainment. The naming of the attacks on whites by other groups is also against the law. White folk tales, notion of country, and history is altered for diversity and yet nowhere will this push for diversity mean more whites in a predominantly non-white group.

This all combined lends to the suspicion of intent due to its immense breadth and cohesion. We do see a lot of progressive Jews at the forefront of anti-white sentiment, feminism, critical theory, and promotion of non-white immigration and hate speech laws, but I am not willing to say they are uniquely responsible. A disproportionate faction of Jews influencing the reduction of the white population and/or anti-white sentiment? Inevitable. However I do not forget the conservative Jews in media in defense of whites.

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i just listened to Diane on Blonde”s show. I really enjoyed it and it lead me here. Diane is intelligent and expresses herself well but she is not fully up to speed on the Jewish issue yet. There are definitely more rocks to turn over (using her analogy here) and it will become more clear.

I will type the abridged version here: This is a people who in their ancient book talk incessantly about genocide and their God commands them to genocide other tribes lest they be genocided. For normal people, it is hard to wrap one’s head around the fact that groups of people think like this.

In the 1930’s and 40’s a white country, Germany, organized itself to kick out (I say kick out very deliberately, not kill, kick out) this tribe. This terrifes them on an existential level and they are doing all of their shenanigans now to prevent a future Hitler 2.0 from ever repeating. It’s the Jews, Diane. Always has been. They are deliberately pushing down the White birth rate.

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Okay, so why are China, S. Korea, and Japan all experiencing the same problems? Sure, they're not solving it with immigration but their birthrates are falling just the same as they are in the West. Are the "joos" controlling Asia too?

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" This is a people who in their ancient book talk incessantly about genocide and their God commands them to genocide other tribes lest they be genocided. For normal people, it is hard to wrap one’s head around the fact that groups of people think like this."

--- Christians are the main ones who accept Biblical mythology as truth. Most Jews are not religious and even amongst the minority who are, most don't take the Bible/Old Testament/Torah literally. But even if they did, like Christians, they take genocidal prescriptions from God to be for that time and circumstance, not now.

Jews are a minuscule population on this planet. The vast majority are regular folk with no influence. The small minority of Jews who do have power are so few in numbers that if the rest of the world population gets "controlled" by them, they deserve it.

You are responsible for your own life. Your parents should have taught you that.

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Is it a genocide in the sense of capturing people and placing them in camps to await their annihilation via some industrial means? Well, no… and you are not making that case. But that is the whole point. Doing to whites what they do to Palestinians is not a viable option. They have not the numbers to pull it off. Doing so would unite whites in a horrific racial holy war as dreamed of by any number of white nationalists.

So this is the next best thing. That does not mean that it will work. That does not mean that other groups may not be targeted, this doesn’t necessarily explain the lowering of birth rates everywhere that has significant urbanization and industrialization.

But when Jewish people advocate for policies and ideas which reduce the number of white people, it tells you what they disproportionately support. Not all Jews actually think this is a good idea. Most seem to though.

Now I don’t think this plan will work. Even if most of the world mixes up, eventually it will be brown hordes who all know the Jews are screwing them over and now Jews can’t play groups against each other. As I said, not all Jews even think this is a good idea.

But if you wish to understand the whole Jewish thing, start with one thing. There is an old saying amongst Jews about themselves “Two Jews, three opinions”

It is a joke amongst them meant to emphasize their argumentative nature. There is much truth to it. But when you realize that the argument they are having will almost always have a subtext of the question “what is best for Jews?” their actions come into focus.

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Great replacement reality:

1) economic- cheaper labor

2)ethnic-antiwhite sentiment has been going on since the 60s and ethnic lobbies push to bring in own coethnics

3) political- democrats are open about how it changes the electorate

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It's not really that complex Diane. American media and Hollywood is something like 80% Jewish, and has been for a while. This is easily verified though I don't have the exact number.

And secondly, Jews generally have leftist views (80% vote democrat) and have a huge chip on their shoulder towards whites cause they think we're all potential Nazis and are generally paranoid.

Then there's the historic Jewish control of many of the biggest banks and so on which is partly why they have been oh so "persecuted".

All these things combined make for a fairly obvious picture. There are always people vying for control at the highest levers of power. Would you not recognize that being the case in somewhere like China or India? Only in the west do we have this myth that "Nobody is at the wheel" in large part due to the Holocaust religion.

However it's fair to say that rather than using discrediting words like "conspiracy" it's merely a case of ethnic bias that has gone largely unrecognized by the white demographic for more than a century now due to large amounts of propaganda, distractions and cosmopolitan attitudes.

Consider this. Germany hasn't actually had a legitimate government since world war 2, there was never a transfer of the political Mandate from the Nazi party. Their entire political system and public life, from school to grave has been entirely rewritten according to the western need to make sure that they behave in a way we need from them after occupation.

Ever since they've been host to western military presences and western financial interests which then take priority in their economies, which then guide their policy making, media, public life and so on, which then have taken their country down the anti-white path it is currently on.

So saying that it's "just our fault" really isn't true. Though that's obviously the way the media would choose to portray, because that's how censorship works in western media. Through framing rather than as direct censorship.

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I definitely get what you’re saying, but we need to account for the fact that fewer and fewer people are adopting the traditional family model.

Marriage and children. The typical family minded white people I see end up having three children. But that is not nearly enough to compensate for all those that choose not to go the traditional family route.

Believe it or not I am OK with white people like me becoming extinct. I really don’t think color has anything to do with anything, ultimately.

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Yep it is

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they wish

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Genocide - like racism, women and fascist are such cheaply used words that are now devoid of meaning as a result of far left woke ideology.

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Claimed by the safest and most comfortable people to ever live.

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White genocide is mere fear-mongering. As you've rightly pointed, all wealthy first-world countries have the same problem of a below-replacement birthrate amongst natives. No matter how aggressive the public policy (though maybe we need to go even further with socialistic pro-birth policies), the birth rate of natives stays the same. America has rightfully identified that immigration can solve this problem and prevent all the issues that come with an inverted age/population pyramid. It's not a conspiracy, it's common sense policy.

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