I think this is the best practice in arguing online (which I sadly fail to use most of the time):

1. state your opponent's position so that he or she entirely agrees with your phrasing of it

2. state anything you learned from your opponent, and points you agree on

3. give your own argument in rebuttal

4. be clear that you are not attacking him or her personally

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Your instructions are fantastic - I rarely argue online because I do not have a social media presence. However, one of the worst (it's hard to quantify because most of it was pretty horrible) things about law school is the "discussion post board.". The board is not unique to law school, instead it is one we have all utilized in pretty much every level of post secondary ed: "make a post about x and then find two classmates with whom you disagree and explain why". However, in law school, you have a bunch of people who have been told they are smart and think they can argue. Unfortunately, most are not smart and their arguments are usually straw men or false equivalencies, sprinkled with a light amount of ad hominem.

I wish I had read your instructions earlier. I find myself getting super angry at the comments I get when I post lol. I think I get angry because I only post about things that I truly understand so when someone directly contradicts it (incorrectly) and a bunch of people "like" the incorrect statement, it really bothers me. I find myself practicing aversion therapy and forcing online interactions in the hope that it desensitizes me for future arguments.

I am quite glad that you have a Substack - like most people (im assuming), I found this Substack because of the Twitter posts of late. I am opposed to all social media however, I am seriously considering creating a Twitter profile simply to follow and encourage the RealDianeYap. Honestly, some of those posts made me laugh out loud. It's rare to see someone deliver unapologetic facts with such efficiency.

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"What would you like to see more of?" Please more long-form articles vs tweets plus also please branch out into different topics too. I am not saying to change your positions on what you've been discussing (except I disagree with atheism) but you have an interesting viewpoint so I hope you talk about an ever-increasing array of topics.

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This is a very thoughtful and honest post. Even though I often disagree with your politics, I will you on Twitter because your ideas are well reasoned and presented. I even learn a thing or two occasionally.

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